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Local dev environment

As explained in the installation guide, you can run the client and server apps locally, for development purposes. But you are still connecting to the remote feedzback-v2-dev Firebase project for Authentication and Firestore services.

The good news is that you can run the entire stack locally, using the Firebase emulator suite!


All scripts related to Firebase emulator can be found in the <rootDir>/client/package.json file.


When using the Firebase emulator, the Google Auth provider is no longer available. Only the Email/Password provider is enabled.

*:emulators scripts

In this execution context, the client and server apps are running in "watch" mode.

Only the Firebase Auth and Firestore emulators are started. The Hosting emulator is not used in this context.

Here are the NPM scripts for this execution context:

"scripts": {
// Start Firebase "Auth" and "Firestore" emulators
"firebase:emulators": "firebase emulators:start --only auth:dev,firestore:dev --import ./firebase-emulators-data",

// Start the server app in "watch" mode
"server:emulators": "npm --prefix ../server run start:emulators",

// Start the client app in "watch" mode
"start:emulators": "ng serve -c development-emulators",

// ----------------------------------------
// Run all the previous scripts in parallel
"stack:emulators": "concurrently \"npm run firebase:emulators\" \"npm run server:emulators\" \"npm run start:emulators\""

*:e2e scripts

In this execution context, the client and server apps are built before running.

This time, not only are the Firebase Auth and Firestore emulators started, but so is the Hosting emulator that serves the client app. Therefore, the client app must be built beforehand, to be available in the <rootDir>/client/dist/browser directory.

This environment is the closest to the production environment (with the exception of the authentication method) and is therefore ideal for E2E testing.

Here are the NPM scripts for this execution context:

"scripts": {
// Start Firebase "Auth", "Firestore" and "Hosting" emulators
"firebase:e2e": "firebase emulators:start --only auth:dev,firestore:dev,hosting:dev --import ./firebase-emulators-data",

// Build and start the server app (see "<rootDir>/server/package.json" scripts for details)
"server:e2e": "npm --prefix ../server run start:e2e",

// Only build the client app (it will be served by Firebase "Hosting")
"prestack:e2e": "npm run build:e2e",

// ----------------------------------------
// Run all the previous scripts in parallel
"stack:e2e": "concurrently \"npm run firebase:e2e\" \"npm run server:e2e\""