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Ubiquitous language

anonymous user
A user (external or internal to the Zenika organisation) who is authenticated but anonymously. Typically, he/she replies to a feedback request by clicking on the secret link received by email.
authenticated user
A user who has authenticated with his Zenika email.
The identifier shared between the giverEmail and the receiverEmail which provides access to the feedback details.
The email address of the person giving the feedback (or by extension the person themselves). This person can be internal or external to the Zenika organisation.
guest user
A user who is neither authenticated nor anonymous. Typically, they can only access the sign-in page.
The secret identifier that enables the giverEmail to reply to a feedback request.
The email address of the person receiving the feedback (or by extension the person themselves). This person must be internal to the Zenika organisation.
The recipient of a feedback request. From the feedback point of view, it is the giverEmail.
The requester of a feedback request. From the feedback point of view, it is the receiverEmail.