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E2E testing

E2E tests are performed using Playwright.

NPM scripts

To run the tests, open a terminal in <rootDir>/client directory and run the following command:

npm run e2e:test

All scripts related to E2E tests start with "e2e:*":

"scripts": {
"e2e:test": "playwright test",
"e2e:report": "playwright show-report",
"e2e:ui": "playwright test --ui",
"e2e:codegen": "playwright codegen"

Playwright configuration

Here's part of the Playwright configuration:

import { defineConfig } from '@playwright/test';

export default defineConfig({
// Tests are located in the following directory
testDir: './e2e',

// Run your local dev server before starting the tests
webServer: {
command: 'npm run stack:e2e',
port: 4200,
reuseExistingServer: !process.env['CI'],

Before starting the tests, Playwright executes the command npm run stack:e2e and waits for the application to be available on port 4200. Due to the reuseExistingServer option (enabled for non-CI environment), the command will not be executed if the application is already available.

Therefore, you can run the command npm run stack:e2e in one terminal, wait for the application to be available on port 4200, and then run the command npm run e2e:test in another terminal. In this case, Playwright will skip the webServer.command, starting the tests immediately.

Running Playwright

Method 1

To have Playwright start the app and the tests, run the following command:

npm run e2e:test

At the end of the tests, Playwright may not stop the webServer properly. If this happens, look for a "ghost" process named java and kill it manually.

To avoid this problem, use the method 2 instead.

Method 2

To start the app once and then have Playwright only start the tests, run the following commands in two separate terminals:

npm run stack:e2e # First terminal
npm run e2e:test # Second terminal

As an alternative to the above command in the first terminal, run npm run stack:emulators instead, to start the app in "watch" mode.