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Shared feedback

User story

When I send a feedback request, I can choose whether or not to share the expected feedback with my manager.

When I give spontaneous feedback to a colleague, I can choose whether or not to share it with their manager.

Feedbacks are shared with the manager defined in the application settings. This means that when I change manager, all my shared feedbacks are shared with my new manager.

As a manager, I'd like to be able to view the feedback that the employees I manage have received and shared with me.

Technical specifications

A feedback is shared with the manager of the receiverEmail if the field shared of the feedback document is set to true:

const feedbackRequest: FeedbackRequest = {
shared: true,

const feedback: Feedback = {
shared: true,

This shared field is only set when requesting a feedback or when giving a spontaneous feedback and cannot be changed thereafter.

As an employee, define my manager

The employee Firestore collection contains the manager/managed data.

When an employee defines his manager, 2 documents are updated:

const theManagedDocument: EmployeeData = {
managerEmail: '<managerEmail>',

const theManagerDocument: EmployeeData = {
managedEmails: ['<managedEmail>'],

When an employee updates his manager, a third document is updated because the <managedEmail> must be deleted from the previous manager's document.

As a manager, view my shared feedbacks

An employee is a manager if there is at least one element in its managedEmails array. In this case, the "Manager" button is displayed in the header menu. From there, the manager can access the shared feedbacks.