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Give spontaneous feedback

User story

As an internal member of the Zenika organisation, I'd like to be able to send spontaneous feedback to a colleague I've worked with. If I can't complete my feedback in one go, I'd like to be able to save it as a draft and continue later.

Technical specifications

Be sure to read Request feedback and Reply to feedback request first. To learn more about draft, read the Feedback draft documentation.

This workflow is much simpler than the feedback request workflow.

The giverEmail must be authenticated.

Once the feedback is complete, only 1 Firestore document is added:

const feedback: Feedback = {
giverEmail: '',
receiverEmail: '',

// --------------------------------------
// In reality, the contents are encrypted
context: 'Working together...', // optional
positive: 'You did great...', // required
negative: 'Youd should improve...', // required
comment: 'See you...', // optional
// --------------------------------------

message: '',
shared: true,
requested: false, // Meaning it's a spontaneous feedback
status: 'done',
createdAt: 1711403799463,
updatedAt: 1711712182618,
archived: 0,

An email is sent to the receiverEmail inviting them to consult the feedback they have just received.