
How to start with the Career Paths framework in your organization

Before starting

The Career Paths, as a framework, is part of the whole management process. This is a key point. Running a Career Paths session is not a goal, it is a way to reach your goal. So the first question to ask yourself is: “What do you want to achieve?” Do you expect to transform your organisation? Are you looking for valuable persons to reach an objective? Do you want to diagnose your team?…


The Career Paths process can be set in 4 distinct steps, depending of the teams and the objectives you have.

The above steps require specific skills:

Examples of next steps

Let’s take a concrete example. A front-end developper, specialized in Angular. Their target is to be able to diagnose front-end systems. They have a lot of topics to learn and capabilities to develop:

So, it is clearly not a 6 months plan. And defining baby steps, with clear objectives, makes sense. The whole process may take several years. And of course, the target may change over time. Keeping all this in mind is a key point to embrace change.

From the individual to the organisation

The diagnostic part will help you assess your organisation strengths against the challenges you have to adress. You can build a radar of your teams and compare the current situation with where you need to be. From this point onward, you may either train your team to acquire the missing skills, or adapt your recruitment plan accordingly.

In any case, the plan must balance out the individual dreams and the organisational goals.

Sharing about the organisation challenges with the teams can help individuals identify new growth opportunities.

Going further, a common mistake for organizations is to solely rely on the managers own conception of what people want and what they can do. By directly discussing with the individuals:

If you are interested in Agile Organisations skills, you can have a look at what Agile’OA did.

Required skills to help teammates

Helping people fulfilling their career objectives requires specific skills, such as: